Sunday, November 22, 2009


Okay so I am a complete nerd and I went to the midnight showing of New Moon on Thursday night. I loved it! We thought we would play it safe and show up at the theater at 9:30 to wait in line, but the line was already ridiculously long. The people at the front of the line had been there since noon! I think that was a waste of their time though because we had great seats and we got there 9 1/2 hours later. New Moon is much better than Twilight. I was sad when it was over and I already want to go see it again. Kim, I hope you're not mad that I stole your picture off your blog :)


Unknown said...

I am so mad you stole it ha ha! j/k j/k! I'll still go see if with you anytime! I plan on seeing it at least 3 more times! ha ha love it! cant wait for number 3

Cameron and Erin said...

Brittany I am glad you found my blog. And swim lessons are 2 times a week for 3 weeks and I thin it is like $19. Cameron loved it because you really just play in the water with them. He wants to do it starting in January again if you want to join us we would love it!