We had a Halloween party with the M1's in our ward (1st year medical student). It was really fun. Here are some pictures from the night. This is just a random picture of Kayla getting into trouble. This was Kayla's costume for the party. She was Bob Marley. All the 1st year medical students and their wives.
We were jocks for our costume Kayla and her friend Hannah eating apples Brandon bobbing for apples Brandon's pumpkin he carved. It is throwing up if you can't tell. How nice!
We went on a family walk yesterday since the weather is not going to be on our side for much longer. Kayla loves to explore. Brandon is showing her a little caterpillar on a stick. She thought it was pretty cool, but when it would come close to her she wasn't too happy
We went to Nauvoo again with the ward on Saturday. Its really fun, but it is a very LONG day. Usually when we get home we just lay around the house because we are too tired to do anything and it is especially long for Kayla. We had a little picnic at the park with our friends Jason and Caroline in Nauvoo. Kayla loves the leaves. She calls them "weaves". Try not to pay attention to my face in this picture. We were at our friends house one night and Kayla found these sunglasses and she wore them most of the night. She's so silly.
We carved pumpkins with our friends. Brandon did the one with the wolf baying at the moon. Pretty good, huh? Kayla likes to be like mommy. She put on my oven mitts so she could help me cook. I took Kayla to a local gymnasium so she could run around and play. She loves the foam block pit! Kayla has an interesting little quirk lately. For some reason she has gotten really attached to this bottle of lotion. She carries it everywhere. It is a little silly, but very cute. Kayla loves books. Her favorite thing is to sit on our lap and have us read a book to her. I go to the library every week and go crazy with all the picture books. She reads them to herself too and it is really cute. Kayla is walking around in Daddy's shoes. She loves this beanie that she is wearing she puts it on ever day. Another one of her little quirks for the moment.
I got to be in a musical show the stake put on about the ten virgins. It was a really great experience and I am glad that that I did it. It had a great message that I think touched a lot of people. I know I learned a lot from it. Here we all are after it was over in our regular clothes with our lamps. Kayla likes it when we blow in her face for some reason. It makes her laugh really hard. These are from a few months ago when we went to Bear Lake with Brandon's family. Kayla loved the water! Kayla at the pool. Messy Kayla eating spaghetti.
A couple weeks ago we went with the ward on a ward temple trip to Nauvoo. It is so cool having our temple be the Nauvoo Temple. It is about 1:45 minutes away. What our ward does is have families take turns and volunteer different months to babysit at the stake center in Nauvoo so that other families can go to the temple. It was so cool to be there! We loved it so much! We finished our session and picked Kayla up at the church. It was getting close to her naptime and we had already been there a few hours so we ate lunch at a nearby deli with some friends and then walked around the town a little. I think we are going to have to visit Nauvoo a little at a time. We will go there every month for our temple trip and we will have to hit a couple landmarks every time.
Kayla and her friends walking down the sidewalk. In front of Joseph Smith's house. The Mansion House.
Here we are on Kayla's blessing day. She was blessed on August 5, 2007. It was fun because she was blessed in the same dress that I was blessed in as a baby that my grandmother made for me.
Kayla 1-2 months
This sideshow begins when Kayla was only a week old. My birthday was exactly a week after Kayla was born and I told everyone that she was the best present I could have gotten!
Engagement pictures
This is my handsome husband. These were taken in 2005 a few months before our wedding.
Wedding Pictures
This in Brandon and I at the temple. We were married on December 28, 2005. Isn't Brandon a handsome groom?